Small Talk Tech


Hackathon Guidelines

Welcome to the Small Talk Institute Hackathon! We’re thrilled to have you participate in this exciting event where innovation and creativity collide. Below are the guidelines and instructions to ensure a smooth and rewarding experience for everyone involved.

✍🏻Purpose of the Hackathon:

The primary goal of this hackathon is to foster collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving within our community. Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their skills, learn from one another, and contribute to the development of innovative solutions.

📅Date and Time:

  • Date: 5th November, 2023
  • Time: 10 A.M



This hackathon will focus on the following Domains. Participants are encouraged to align their projects with them, and creative ideas outside the theme are also welcome.


  • Teams can consist of a maximum of 5 members.
  • You may form your own team or join one.
  • Collaboration and teamwork are highly encouraged.
  • Students are encouraged to have at least 1 girl in their team to empower women. (This is NOT mandatory and This will NOT affect your team results)


  • Ensure you have the necessary hardware and software for your project.

🫂Code of Conduct:

  • Respect: Treat all participants with respect and courtesy.
  • Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and help fellow participants.
  • Diversity: Embrace diversity and inclusion in ideas and teams.
  • Ethical: Ensure all activities adhere to ethical standards.

📑Judging Criteria:

  • Innovation: How unique and innovative is the solution?
  • Functionality: Does the project work effectively and efficiently?
  • Usability: Is the solution user-friendly and accessible?
  • Presentation: How well the team presents and communicates their project?


  • All projects must be submitted by 31st October, 2023.
  • Submit your project via the below form.


  • Cash Prizes for top 3 teams.
  • Certificates for all participants.

Support and Mentoring:

  • Technical support will be provided for any issues faced during the hackathon.

🚀Connect with Small Talk Technologies:


We hope you have an amazing and productive time at the Small Talk Institute Hackathon. Remember, it’s not just about the competition, but the experience, learning, and connections you make. Good luck, and may the best ideas come to life!