Small Talk Tech

SQL – Structured Query Language

Overview Of SQL Training

SQL training provides comprehensive instruction on managing and querying relational databases. Participants learn to design and implement database solutions, write efficient SQL queries, and perform data manipulation tasks. The training covers essential concepts like database design, normalization, data retrieval, and database security. By gaining expertise in SQL, individuals can excel in various data-related roles and contribute to effective data management in organizations. The hands-on approach and real-world projects offered in the training enable participants to apply their knowledge practically and enhance their proficiency in SQL database management. Overall, SQL training equips individuals with valuable skills for data-driven decision-making and offers a strong foundation for a successful career in database administration and data analysis.

Module 1: Introduction to SQL

  • Various types of databases
  • Introduction to Structured Query Language
  • Distinction between client server and file server databases
  • Understanding SQL Server Management Studio
  • SQL Table basics
  • Data types and functions
  • Transaction-SQL
  • Authentication for Windows
  • Data control language
  • Identification of keywords in T-SQL, such as Drop Table

Module 2: Database Normalization and Entity Relationship Model

  • Entity-Relationship Model
  • Entity and Entity Set
  • Attributes and types of Attributes
  • Entity Sets
  • Relationship Sets
  • Degree of Relationship
  • Mapping Cardinalities (One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-One, Many-to-Many)
  • Symbols used in E-R Notation

Module 3: SQL Operators

  • Introduction to relational databases
  • Fundamental concepts of relational rows, tables, and columns
  • Several operators (logical and relational), constraints, domains, indexes, stored procedures, primary and foreign keys
  • Understanding group functions
  • The unique key

Module 4: Working with SQL – Join, Tables, and Variables

  • Advanced concepts of SQL tables
  • SQL functions
  • Operators & queries
  • Table creation
  • Data retrieval from tables
  • Combining rows from tables using inner, outer, cross, and self joins
  • Deploying operators such as intersect, except, union
  • Temporary table creation
  • Set operator rules
  • Table variables

Module 5: Deep Dive into SQL Functions

  • Understanding SQL functions and their purposes
  • Scalar functions
  • Aggregate functions
  • Functions for different data types (numbers, characters, strings, dates)
  • Inline SQL functions
  • General functions
  • Duplicate functions

Module 6: Working with Subqueries

  • Understanding SQL subqueries and their rules
  • Statements and operators for subqueries
  • Using the set clause to modify subqueries
  • Different types of subqueries (where, select, insert, update, delete)
  • Methods to create and view subqueries

Module 7: SQL Views, Functions, and Stored Procedures

  • Learning SQL views
  • Methods of creating, using, altering, renaming, dropping, and modifying views
  • Understanding stored procedures and their benefits
  • Working with stored procedures
  • Studying user-defined functions
  • Error handling

Module 8: Deep Dive into User-Defined Functions

  • User-defined functions
  • Types of UDFs (scalar, inline table value, multi-statement table)
  • Stored procedures and their use cases
  • Rank function
  • Triggers and when to execute them

Module 9: SQL Optimization and Performance

  • Records grouping, advantages, searching, sorting, modifying data
  • Creation of clustered indexes
  • Using indexes to optimize queries
  • Common table expressions
  • Index guidelines

Module 10: Advanced Topics

  • Correlated Subquery, Grouping Sets, Rollup, Cube, Rank, CTE, Indexes, and Triggers
  • Correlated Subquery, Rollup, Grouping Set, and Cube

Module 11: Managing Database Concurrency

  • Applying transactions
  • Identifying DML statements using transaction behavior
  • Implicit and explicit transactions
  • Isolation levels management
  • Concurrency and locking behavior
  • Memory-optimized tables

Module 12: Practice Session

  • Various SQL query tasks, including joins, functions, data modification, DDL statements, subqueries, and more

Skills to Master

  • SQL Architecture
  • Joins
  • SQL Views
  • Stored Procedures
  • Transact-SQL
  • Triggers
  • Database Normalization
  • Functions
  • User-defined Functions
  • Indexes