California Partnership Agreement Sample

A California Partnership Agreement Sample: An Essential Guide

If you are planning to start a business in California with a partner or multiple partners, it`s important to have a partnership agreement in place. A partnership agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership, including how profits and losses will be divided, each partner`s responsibilities, and how decisions will be made.

In this article, we will discuss the essential components of a California partnership agreement, and provide a sample to help you get started.

Essential Components of a California Partnership Agreement

1. Business Purpose and Name

The partnership agreement should clearly state the business`s purpose, such as the products or services offered, and the official name of the partnership.

2. Contributions

The agreement should outline the contributions each partner will make to the partnership, including financial investments and other assets.

3. Roles and Responsibilities

It`s important to define each partner`s roles and responsibilities, including management duties, decision-making authority, and responsibilities for day-to-day operations.

4. Profit and Loss Distribution

The partnership agreement should specify how profits and losses will be allocated among the partners. This can be based on each partner`s contributions, or it can be a predetermined percentage.

5. Dispute Resolution

In case of any disputes or disagreements, the partnership agreement should outline the process for resolving these issues, such as mediation or arbitration.

6. Partnership Duration

The partnership agreement should specify the duration of the partnership, including the start and end dates, or if it will continue indefinitely.

7. Termination Clauses

In the event that one partner wants to leave the partnership, the agreement should have a provision for termination, including how the departing partner`s share will be distributed.

Sample California Partnership Agreement

Here`s an example of a California partnership agreement that covers the essential components we just discussed:

[Your Partnership Name Here]

This agreement is made on [Date] by and between [Partner Name 1] and [Partner Name 2], who agree to form a partnership in the state of California.

Business Purpose and Name

The partners agree to start a business that provides [Product/Service], under the name [Your Partnership Name Here].


Each partner agrees to make the following contributions to the partnership:

[Partner Name 1]:

– $[Amount] in cash

– [Description of Other Assets, If Any]

[Partner Name 2]:

– $[Amount] in cash

– [Description of Other Assets, If Any]

Roles and Responsibilities

The partners agree that:

– [Partner Name 1] will be responsible for [Specific Role or Responsibility].

– [Partner Name 2] will be responsible for [Specific Role or Responsibility].

– All major decisions will be made by mutual agreement.

Profit and Loss Distribution

The partners agree to divide profits and losses as follows:

– [Partner Name 1] will receive 60% of the profits and losses.

– [Partner Name 2] will receive 40% of the profits and losses.

Dispute Resolution

In case of any disputes or disagreements, the partners agree to resolve issues through mediation or arbitration.

Partnership Duration

This partnership will start on [Date], and will continue indefinitely.

Termination Clauses

The partners may terminate this agreement in the following circumstances:

– If both partners agree to dissolve the partnership.

– If one partner gives written notice of their desire to dissolve the partnership.

In the event of termination, assets and liabilities will be distributed as follows:

– [Partner Name 1] will receive 60% of the total value of the business assets and assume 60% of the business liabilities.

– [Partner Name 2] will receive 40% of the total value of the business assets and assume 40% of the business liabilities.


A partnership agreement is a crucial document that provides legal protection and clarity for you and your business partner(s). Make sure to include all essential components and consult with a qualified attorney to ensure that your partnership agreement is legally valid and enforceable.

Use this sample California partnership agreement as a guide and customize it to fit the specific needs of your business. Good luck!